The Rules

After each performance show, Rob and Tristi must predict the bottom three and the person who will be voted off. For each correct bottom three guess, they get one point. Correctly guessing the loser gets three points.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

American Idol Goes Smackdown

My esteemed colleague did get us off to a good start. Good start, esteemed colleague. I did want to make one clarification to his introductory post - we were simultaneously blogging about American Idol, but Rob had taken it to a whole new level. He has meters and graphs and studies the astrological charts of all the contestants and feeds it all into this amazing machine called the Rob-o-Predictor and is all scientific about it. Me? I'm more of a, "I like that." Or, "I didn't like that." But then two years ago (or was it longer ... it's all a blur) Rob challenged me to a duel, a mighty bloggers' duel (not too unlike a wizards' duel, with the same rule about the pink dragons) and asked me to start predicting. Thus it all began.

We are now at the beginning of a new era. No longer do we blog separately and all alone, but now, we blog side by side, nose to nose, toe to toe ... do you know how hard it is to type when nose to nose with someone? It's hard.

Join us every week as we bring you our thoughts - some scientific, some not - about America's favorite reality show. And who knows - we might be right once in a while.



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